
Sundays are Fundays...

Seems like it's the only time I have these days to really work on my projects. Oh well, gotta take advantage of what ever time you have.  Started to mount the fluorescent lamps to the unit.

Thought I was going to have to return the fluorescent lamps I picked up because they had electrical wires instead of a standard cord. Didn't realize they were commercial grade but this replacement cord is just the ticket!

Easy Pezy. Connection solved! The cord is already split and ready to be wired.  You could have an On/Off switch here but I'm pluging all 3 into one power strip and using that as the primary switch.

The fluorescent lamps are mounted and wired up. This shot is for those like myself who wanna see the guts of things.

Covers on and ready for the unfiltered black light tubes. I should be getting them in Monday, I hope.

I got a central strip that most things will be plugged into. There will probably be 3 buttons for switches. One for the main power, the vacuum switch and the light switch.  Making the panel to hold the switches probably Tuesday.  Ultimately I hope to have some clear schematics and maybe a downloadable PDF if this thing turns out well.

 Laying down the fabric for the top cover to the unit. I'm trying Elmer's rubber cement as a sealant but finding out I'm going to have to use something more aggressive.