So it's coming down to the last week and Jen's sister Judy asked me to do a little cake topper for her wedding cake, so of course I jumped on the project. I had already set up a graphic that we made into decals so it was just a matter of making it into a 3D self standing object.
A little laser cutting into some 1/8" matte clear acrylic. The other project on the left is something else for shits and giggles.
The text is going to be reversed out of the heart shape so these letters wont be used. But I might just keep these for something else down the road. Cut out letters always look cool. They could pretty much say anything and still be awesome.
No PMS matching here, just a bunch of tubes of paint and a growing pool of teal-ness.
Back painting the acrylic since I plan the face to have a non glare matte finish.
A few coats later and the back is finished with paint.