Been putting some projects off recently because my Dremmel got stolen somehow. Took me a moment to buy another one, but it's back to this wood working project.
Some of the fits were too snug and didn't allow the faces to fit properly, so I had to open up some areas.
Good tunes playing in the background is a must for the wood shop. Just downloaded the new Kavinsky album OutRun. Great album for physical studio work. The Nightcall song will always be a favorite. Aside from the music, I really like the persona and story line that was created for the musician's alter ego. You can't go wrong with naming the album after a classic Sega game either!
No nails or screws in this one. Everything was made for a snug wood glued joints. Had to figure the best placement for clamps though.
Getting past a labyrinth of clamps to make sure all my seams were tight.